5 Things to Ask a Life Coach Before You Hire Them
Choosing a life coach is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Before you make an investment of time, energy, and money, you should assess if you and a coach will be a good fit. But how can you know? Here are a few questions to ask a life coach before you hire them.
1. What is your life coaching philosophy?
Asking this question can help you get to the heart of what motivates a life coach in their work and what ideas and experiences influence their approach. What is it this life coach is seeking to do in their work? Does their mission align well with your vision for yourself?
2. How do you define success with a client?
The best life coaches will help you identify clear goals and milestones that align with your personal journey. You’re looking for a partner who can guide you and hold you accountable throughout this process. Of course, each person’s journey is individualized – but if a life coach doesn’t have a clear vision for your success, you won’t either.
3. Who is your ideal client – and are there any clients you don’t work with?
Asking this question may save you considerable time and money by quickly identifying if you and a particular coach are not a great fit. Some life coaches work exclusively with corporate professionals or with clients of a particular age range, for instance. Aside from addressing those kinds of demographic matches, any good life coach will have a unique specialization or focus (see Question #4), so this question can be key to ensuring you’re looking into the right kind of coach for your unique needs.
It’s also important to ask if there are clients a life coach will NOT accept. Life coaches are not counselors or therapists, and it’s important that any life coach recognize who they are not well-suited to help. In those cases, life coaches can provide helpful references to properly trained professionals.
4. On which specific issues can you offer guidance?
There are many, many life coaches out there – and I’d advise you to be wary of any who claim they can help you address any and every issue in your life. No one person is qualified to tackle each of your unique circumstances – except you!
If you’re interested in working with a life coach, you’ll gain the most from working with a specialized life coach with a clear focus. The best life coaches are comfortable with their own skills and limitations, and can always refer to you to other coaches, counselors and resources to address issues outside their own scope.
5. Can I schedule a free initial session to see if we are a good fit?
Be mindful of your feelings during the initial session. Ask yourself: Does this coach and his or her approach inspire me? Is this someone I could trust? Do I feel comfortable with this coach? Does this coach seem like a good accountability partner?
I offer a complimentary Getting Started Session to all my clients. Schedule yours today and you’ll have an opportunity to try out my coaching program for free with no obligation or pressure to pursue more coaching unless it’s what you want.
For additional ideas of questions to ask a life coach before you hire them, read through the questions I’m asked most frequently.